How does hypnosis work? The human mind consists of approximately 12% conscious mind and 88% subconscious/ unconscious. Hypnosis uses relaxation techniques and a series of suggestions to get you to become more inwardly focused so the conscious (critical) mind can temporarily be bypassed. When the …
About Jackie
Jackie Burleson MBA, CPC, CIHt Jackie is a kind, warm-hearted person who loves to help clients live from a place of their own personal freedom and full potential. She believes that it is every person’s birthright to live a life aligned with their own true essence, happiness and fulfillment. …
How Sessions Work Work with Jackie to restore peace and balance in your life! You are unique so each session is adapted to your individual needs and goals. Sessions with Jackie are two (2) hours long to ensure that you both have ample time to get to know each other, discuss each other's …