Specialties include Emotional Disturbances, Trauma (Adult & Childhood), Narcissistic Abuse, Self-Esteem Issues, Weight Loss

Releasing Emotional Disturbances
Anxiousness, Sadness, Grief, Anger, Stress, Fears/Phobias, Feeling Alone/Abandoned
When you are in a balanced emotional state, you typically feel content, capable and at peace. Many people grow up with a lack of emotional support or healthy guidance – no one acknowledging your feelings or parenting in a healthy way on how to deal or express your feelings. Unexpressed feelings get trapped as stuck unhealthy energy causing illness or ‘dis-ease’ in the mind and body. Hypnotherapy and other techniques help unearth buried unresolved emotional ‘dis-ease’ and helps release its negative impact, restoring more peace and balance in your daily life.
Jackie’s compassionate and trustworthy presence helps clients tap into deep emotional wounding from childhood or other past relationships, and release and replace old beliefs and emotions with feelings of wholeness, wellness and self-worth.
NOTE: Some conditions will require a physician’s note from a licensed healing practitioner before scheduling your first hypnotherapy session. Jackie will consult with you about what is required.
Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse
For those in relationships with people (family of origin, significant others, friends, coworkers, etc.) who exhibit highly narcissistic behavior. Jackie defines a narcissistic person as someone who lacks empathy, is highly self-absorbed, controlling and manipulating, and has caused you great pain and toxicity in your life. It is draining emotionally, mentally and financially to be in a relationship with a narcissistic person because the reciprocity is significantly one-sided (you give, they take). They tend to be ‘Energy Vampires’ who attach to you as a ‘Source of Supply’ and drain your zest for life and feelings of self-worth.
Jackie uses hypnotherapy and a holistic approach in reversing the effects of narcissistic abuse, and helps you take back control of your life and start building a future based on your needs and desires. Working with Jackie, you will:
- Identify the symptoms of being involved in narcissistic relationships (codependency, low self-esteem, self-doubt, confusion, anxiousness, sadness, over-thinking, low energy/zest for life, etc.)
- Learn the characteristics of different types of narcissists (Grandiose, Covert, etc.)
- Learn about different techniques narcissists use to confuse, control and manipulate others (gaslighting, blame-shifting, triangulation, etc.)
- Learn self-love and self-care techniques so you can begin to make up for the deficit of nurturing you have experienced
- Learn how to stop blaming yourself for your abuse and create a plan of action about how you are going to put yourself first in your own life!
Self-Esteem Issues
We attract into our life what we subconsciously believe we deserve. As a child, were you taught that you deserve unconditional love and the best that life has to offer? Were you recognized for who you truly are, your gifts and talents celebrated? Feelings of low self-esteem can stem from childhood mental, emotional or physical abuse or neglect. Childhood trauma often occurs when someone was pre-verbal and/or the experiences were so traumatic as an infant/child, they have been repressed as a coping mechanism. Hypnotherapy can help you tap into repressed memories of childhood trauma and neglect, which are the key to unlocking why you have always felt you weren’t worthy of true happiness and fulfillment in life. Work with Jackie to find the key and unlock what is needed so you can know your true self-worth and start attracting what it is in your life you truly desire and deserve.
Weight Loss
Hypnotherapy is very effective in helping identify and change unhealthy eating and exercise patterns. Weight loss can be about self-control regarding your eating and exercise habits but there are other more hidden factors to consider why people hold weight on their body. For example, Jackie has worked with clients and these hidden factors came to light:
- You are an empath and you hold extra weight on your body as protective buffer from the negative energy surrounding you (family members, coworkers, home/work environment, etc.)
- You are a woman who carries extra weight on the hips and thighs because you hold anger and resentment against a male authority figure (father, spouse, corporation, etc.)
- You have/had a narcissistic parent and it’s hard to nurture yourself because subconsciously, you feel you are don’t matter and are unworthy of loving self-care
- You have experienced sexual abuse so on a subconscious level, you keep weight on your body so you don’t attract sexual attention
Hypnotherapy can help you identify and release the root cause of why you are holding onto excess weight and self-sabotaging thoughts and patterns around food and exercise. Hypnosis instills new programming so you naturally desire healthier lifestyle choices. Let’s work together to figure out the REAL reason you are holding onto excess weight!